This year the focus will be on the festivities of the October/November seasons!
How it works:
Provide your name (an alias is fine if necessary), your CoH number, and your address in an email to Lotus and Sara at, including how many cards you would like to send – between 1-3. Deadline to have your info emailed to us is October 1st. Cards will need to be sent out during the first two weeks of October, so have them ready!
We will randomly match everyone up to send/receive the number of postcards they ask for, and ensure they come from different countries. (To the best of our ability!)
Postcards ideally should be representational of the Samhain/Halloween/Day of the Dead holidays, or whichever tradition/celebration may be celebrated by you personally or in your culture. Otherwise, the postcard should at least be reflective of where you live, or directly related to Hekate.
You must be a CoH member to take part. (Please be sure to include your CoH number!) [NOTE: If you are not a CoH member, but ARE a member of The Sanctuary of Hekate Potnia Theron, and you are interested to take part, please do email us and state you are not a CoH member but would like to take part - if we have enough interested, we may be able to do a separate swap for the sanctuary members.]
And please, if you sign up for the swap, ensure that you will send the postcards you agree to! It is incredibly disappointing for those who send cards to not receive any. If you sign up and then become unable to send a card, please reach out to Lotus ASAP.